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(Incisione – Bibliografia) BARTSCH. The Illustrated Bartsch. New York, Abaris Books, 1978-1998

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(Incisione – Bibliografia) BARTSCH. The Illustrated Bartsch. New York, Abaris Books, 1978-1998

89 volumi in folio piccolo (305 x 228 mm), ovvero: 47 volumi (voll. 1-48 e 141, assenti i nn. 21 e 22) + 23 volumi di “Supplements” (ovvero i volumi pubblicati dopo il 48) + 19 volumi di “Commentary”. Uniformemente rilegati in tela rossa (talora leggermente sbiadita) o marrone (i volumi più recenti) con titoli in oro al dorso.

Elenco dettagliato:

1 Netherlandish Artists [1] van Laer, Vlieger, Potter, de Bije, van den Hecke, Master PVH, Jonckheer, Verschuring, Roos, du Jardin, le Ducq, van de Velde, van der Meer, Saftleven, van Aken, van Almeloveen, van Ruisdael, Heusch, Miel, Ostade, Weenix, Wouwermans, 1978

2 Netherlandish Artists [2] Waterloo, van Everdingen, Swanevelt, 1978

2-1 Commentary Waterloo, 1992

3 Netherlandish Artists [3-1] Hendrik Goltzius, 1980

3 Commentary Goltzius, 1982

4 Netherlandish Artists [3-2] Matham, Saenredam, Muller, 1980

5 Netherlandish Artists [4] Molenaer, Molijn, Roghman, Martszen, Bronckhorst, Verboom, Naiwjncx, van der Stoop, Bleker, de Neve, van der Cooghen, Wyck, Breenbergh, den Uyl, van der Does, Boel, Fyt, Borssom, van der Kabel, Backhuijsen, Hackaert, T. Roos, Neyts, Genoels, Smees, Storck, J.M. Roos, Bout, Sweerts, 1979

6 Netherlandish Artists [5-1] De Wael, van Uden, de Vadder, Matteus, van Uyttenbroeck, Nooms (Zeeman), van den Hoecke, Flamen, 1980

6 Commentary Netherlandish Artists, 1986

7 Netherlandish Artists [5-2] J.Both, A. Both, Bega, Berchem, van Ossenbeeck, Hondius, Millet, Meyeringh, J. Glauber, Jan Glauber, van Huchtenberg, van Nikkelen, van Haften, de Deyster, Dusart, Rysbrack, 1978

8 Early German Artists [6-1] Master E.S., Monogrammists, Schongauer, 1980

8-1 Commentary Schongauer, copyists, 1996

9 Early German Artists [6-2] van Meckenem, Olmütz, du Hameel, Landshut, Monogrammists, 1981

9-2 Commentary Early German Artists, 1991

10 Sixteenth-Century German Artists [7-1] Albrecht Dürer, 1980

10 Commentary Dürer, 1981

11 Sixteenth-Century German Artists [7-2] Burgkmair, de Negker, Schäufelein, Cranach, 1980

12 Sixteenth-Century German Artists [7-3] Baldung Grien, Springinklee, van Leyden, 1981

13 Sixteenth-Century German Artists [7-4] Monogrammists, Pilgrim, Graf, Deutsch, Erlinger, Resch, Schoen, Meldemann, Huber, Woensam, Duvet, Krug, 1981

13 Commentary Erhard Schoen, 1984

14 Early German Masters [8-1] Altdorfer, Monogrammists (Danube School), 1980

15 Early German Masters [8-2] Barthel Beham, H.S. Beham, 1978

16 Early German Masters [8-3] Bink, Pencz, Aldegrever, 1980

17 Early German Masters [8-4] Brosamer, D. Hopfer, H. Hopfer, L. Hopfer, 1981

18 German Masters 1550-1600 [9-1] Ladenspelder, Huys, Massys, Guldenmund, Hamer, Hirschvogel, Lautensack, 1982

19-1 German Masters 1550-1600 [9-2] Virgil Solis, 1987

19-2 German Masters 1550-1600 [9-2] Hans Rudolf Manuel (Deutsch), Tobias Stimmer, 1988

20-1 German Masters 1550-1600 [9-3] Jost Amman, Part One, 1985

20-2 German Masters 1550-1600 [9-3] Jost Amman, Part Two, 1985

23 German and Netherlandish Masters of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries [10] Anonymous Artists, 1985

24 Early Italian Masters [13-1] Nielli, anonymous Masters, Finguerra, Baldini, Rosselli, 1980

24-1 Commentary Early Italian Masters, 1993

24-2 Commentary Early Italian Masters, 1994

25 Early Italian Masters [13-2] Pollaiuolo, Fogolino, Mocetto, Mantegna, Modena, Andrea, G.M. da Brescia, G.A. da Brescia, Montagna, Monogrammists, G. Campagnola, D. Campagnola, Robetta, 1980

25 Commentary Early Italian Masters, 1984

26 Marcantonio Raimondi, Part One [14-1], 1978

27 Marcantonio Raimondi, Part Two [14-2], 1978

28 Italian Masters of the Sixteenth Century [15-1] School of Raimondi, Caraglio, Bonasone, 1985

28 Commentary Italian Masters of the Sixteenth Century, 1995

29 Italian Masters of the Sixteenth Century [15-2] Bonasone, Master of the Die, Beatrizet, 1982

30 Italian Masters of the Sixteenth Century [15-3] Enea Vico, 1985

31 Italian Masters of the Sixteenth Century [15-4] G.B. Ghisi, G. Ghisi, A. Ghisi, D. Ghisi, Monogrammists, Reverdino, Pomedello, L. de Musi, Sannuti, G. de Musi, Cartaro, Lulmus, 1986

32 Italian Artists of the Sixteenth Century [16-1] Parmigianino, Master F.P., Meldolla, Schiavone, Titian, Marconi, Tintoretto, Bresciano, Franco, P. Farinati, H. Farinati, del Moro, Fontana, Valentinis, 1979

33 Italian Artists of the Sixteenth Century [16-2] Rota, Palma, School of Fontainebleau, 1979

34 Italian Artists of the Sixteenth Century [17-1] Barocci, de Santis, Facchetti, Potenzano, Scarsellino, Passari,

Riccio, Casolani, Alberti, 1982

35 Italian Artists of the Sixteenth Century [17-2] Antonio Tempesta, Part One, 1984

36 Italian Artists of the Sixteenth Century [17-3] Antonio Tempesta, Part Two, 1983

37 Italian Artists of the Sixteenth Century [17-4] Antonio Tempesta, Part Three, 1984

38 Italian Artists of the Sixteenth Century [17-5] Bevilacqua, Vanni, di Liagno, Pasqualotto, Schiaminossi,

Leoni, Fialetti, Strada, Alberti, Borgiani, 1983

39 Italian Masters of the Sixteenth Century [18-1] Passarotti, Tibaldi, Procaccini, L. Carracci, Ag. Carracci,

An. Carracci, 1980

39-1 Commentary Agostino Carracci, 1995

39-2 Commentary Passarotti, Tibaldi, Procaccini, L. Carracci, An. Carracci, 1996

40 Italian Masters of the Sixteenth Century [18-2] Schedoni, Valesio, Brizio, Faccini, Reni, Cavedone, Galanini, Albani, Lanfranco, Badalocchio, Guercino, F. Carracci, Lana, 1982

40-1 Commentary Schedoni, Valesio, Brizio, Faccini, Reni, 1987

41 Italian Masters of the Seventeenth Century [19-1] Gatti, Coriolano, Lodi, Camassei, Algardi, Cozza, Biffi, 1981

42 Italian Masters of the Seventeenth Century [19-2] Grimaldi, Cantarini, Pesarese, G.A. Sirani, E. Sirani, LoIi, Bolognini, Scaramuccia, Borboni, Providoni, Menghino del Brizio, P.F. Mola, G.B. Mola, Torri, II Mengazzino, Canuti, Badiale, Triva, De'Rossi, Zani, Tinti, Gallinari, Scarsello, Bettini, Monti, G.M. Mitelli, 1981

43 Italian Masters of the Seventeenth Century [19-3] Viani, Stringa, Rolli, Mannini, dal Sole, Legnanino, Mattioli, Spagnuolo, Lorenzini, Barbieri, Giovannini, Viani, Caccioli, Milani, Meloni, Mazzoni, Rambaldi, 1982

44 Italian Masters of the Seventeenth Century [20-1] Bellavia, Ciamberlano, Gailina, Parigi, Bazzicaluve, Bracelli, Ribera, Burani, Falcone, Berlinghieri, Vanni, Imperiali, A. Vaiani, S. Vaiani, A.M. Vaiani, Cremonese, Mercati, 1983

45 Italian Masters of the Seventeenth Century [20-2] Capitelli, Bassiano, Podesta, Carpioni, Gimignani, Testa,

Rainaldi, Dughet, Onofrio, P. del Po, T. del Po, Rosa, Manini, Meschini, Ugolini, Pace, 1982

45 Commentary Italian Masters of the Seventeenth Century, 1990

46 Italian Masters of the Seventeenth Century [21-1] Guidi, G.B. Castiglione, S. Castiglione, Sacchi, Canini,

Galestruzzi, 1982

46 Commentary Italian Masters of the Seventeenth Century, 1985

47 Italian Masters of the Seventeenth Century [21-2] Morandi, Baldi, Maratti, Giovane, Cesio, Rosa, del Sole, Gherardini, Falcieri, Peruzzini, Piola, Rosatti, Piccioni, Eschini, Varotari, Ghitti, Giordano, Biscaino, Amato, Benaschi, Maffacci, Oddi, Martino, Abri, Falda, Gherardi, Besozzi, Gabbiani, Nasini, Diamantini, de Pietri, Balestra, de Todeschi, Ghezzi, Amigoni, Ricci, Pietrini, Ligari, Ferroni, Marchesini, Puccini, 1983

47-1 Commentary Morandi, Baldi, Maratti, Giovane, Cesio, Rosa, del Sole, Gherardini, Falcieri, Peruzzini, Piola, Rosatti, Piccioni, Eschini, Varotari, Ghitti, Giordano, Biscaino, Amato, Benaschi, Maffacci, Oddi, Martino, Abri, 1987

47-2 Commentary Falda, 1993

48 Italian Chiaroscuro Woodcuts [12], 1983

50 Rembrandt, 1993

52 Cornelis Cort, 1986

53 Netherlandish Artists (Pre-Rembrandt Etchers) Van Bouckhorst, Brecherveld, Buytewech, Droochsloot,

Gerritsz., de Gheyn, Lastman, Liefrinck, Liss, Lons, Moeyaert, Pietersz., Pynas, J. Savery 1, R. Savery, van den Valckert, Vinckboons, 1985

55 Dirck Volkertsz. Coornhert, 1991

56 Philips Galle, 1987

72-1 Ægidius II Sadeler, Part One, 1997

72-2 Ægidius II Sadeler, Part Two, 1998

80 German Book Illustrations and Broadsheets, 1981

81 German Book Illustrations and Broadsheets, 1981

82 German Book Illustrations and Broadsheets, 1981 (rilegato sottosopra)

83 German Book Illustrations and Broadsheets, 1982

84 German Book Illustrations and Broadsheets, 1983

85 German Book Illustrations and Broadsheets, 1983

86 German Book Illustrations and Broadsheets, 1984

87 German Book Illustrations and Broadsheets, 1985

90 Herbals through 1500, 1983

90 Commentary Herbals through 1500, 1984

121-1 Dominique Vivant Denon, Part One, 1985

121-2 Dominique Vivant Denon, Part Two, 1988

141 James Ensor, 1982

141 Commentary Ensor, 1982

161 German Single Leaf Woodcuts before 1500, 1987

162 German Single Leaf Woodcuts before 1500, 1989

163 German Single Leaf Woodcuts before 1500, 1990

164 German Single Leaf Woodcuts before 1500, 1992

Si aggiunge:

BARTSCH, Adam. Le Peintre Graveur. Nouivelle édition. Réimpression complète au format reduit I [-XXII]. Maîtres Holladais. Hildesheim/Georg Olms, Nieuwkoop/B. De Graaf, 1970.

4 volumi in 8vo (222 x 151 mm) uniformemente rilegati in tela grigio perla, tassello blu con titoli in oro al dorso.

                     Monumentale collezione di volumi della più importante bibliografia per lo studio dell’incisione nei secoli. Alcuni tomi hanno un timbro di proprietà e qualche appunto a matita, ma nel complesso le condizioni sono molto buone.