Arte Orientale

mar 19 Dicembre 2017
Asta Premium 230

Malcolm Macdonald Collection of Chinese Ceramics in the Gulbenkian Museum of Oriental Art and Archaeology School of Oriental Studies University of Durham, Ireneus Laszlo Legeza, Oxford University Press, Oxford University Press, 1972

€ 300 / 400
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Malcolm Macdonald Collection of Chinese Ceramics in the Gulbenkian Museum of Oriental Art and Archaeology School of Oriental Studies University of Durham, Ireneus Laszlo Legeza, Oxford University Press, Oxford University Press, 1972

Collection of Chinese Porcelain and Works of Art formed by the late George de Menasce, 2 parts, Spink & Son Ltd, Londra, 1971-72

China Trade Porcelain: Patterns of Exchange, Clare le Corbeiller, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1974