Arte Orientale

mar 19 Dicembre 2017
Asta Premium 230

Tentoonstelling van chineesche kunst. Exhibition of Chinese Art, Stedelijk Museum & Municipal Museum, Stedelijk Museum & Municipal Museum, Amsterdam, 1925

€ 300 / 400
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Tentoonstelling van chineesche kunst. Exhibition of Chinese Art, Stedelijk Museum & Municipal Museum, Stedelijk Museum & Municipal Museum, Amsterdam, 1925

Chineesche Kunst, Visser, H.F.E. et al, Martinus Nijhoff, L’Aia, 1927

Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Art, Burlington Fine Arts Club, Burlington Fine Arts Club, Londra, 1915

Chinese Ceramics, Beurdelay, Michel & Cecile, Thames and Hudson, Londra, 1974