mer 24 Maggio 2023
Asta Live 1173

(Roma - Vedute - Illustrati 800) ABBOTT, Henry. Antiquities of Rome; comprising twenty-four select views of its principal ruins: illustrated by a panoramic outline of the modern city, taken from the capitol. From drawings by Henry Abbott, esq. made in the year 1818. London, printed by John Tyler, Rathbone place; and published by Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, Paternoster row, 1820.

€ 1.500 / 3.000
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(Roma - Vedute - Illustrati 800) ABBOTT, Henry. Antiquities of Rome; comprising twenty-four select views of its principal ruins: illustrated by a panoramic outline of the modern city, taken from the capitol. From drawings by Henry Abbott, esq. made in the year 1818. London, printed by John Tyler, Rathbone place; and published by Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, Paternoster row, 1820.


RARA E MAGNIFICA GALLERIA DI ACQUETINTE che illustrano i monumenti dell’antica Roma, oltre a quattro spettacolari acqueforti in fine, più volte ripiegate, che illustrano vedute a volo d’uccello sui tetti di Roma.


In folio grande (573 x 407 mm), in mezzo vitellino biondo coevo con decorazioni dorate e tassello nero al dorso (molto sciupato, perdite), collazionato completo con 24 tavole incise all’acquatinta in color seppia 4 tavole ripiegate incise all’acquaforte. Ex libris armoriale ottocentesco inglese di John Deacon. Carte un po’ ingiallite, occasionali aloni pallidi e offsetting.


RARE AND MAGNIFICENT GALLERY OF ACQUETINTS illustrating the monuments of ancient Rome, as well as four spectacular etchings at the end, folded several times, illustrating bird’s eye views over the roofs of Rome. Defective binding. Detailed description, condition report and additional images upon request.