Fine Wine and an Extraordinary Selection From the Winery Reserves of Masseto

fri 7 April 2017
Live auction 213

Selection Courvoisier Collection Erte

€ 2.000 / 4.000
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Selection Courvoisier Collection Erte

Cognac, France

75 cl, 40%

Distillation - 1 bt

Vigne - 1 bt

Degustation - 1 bt

Inedit - 1 bt

La Part des Anges - 1 bt

Vieillissement - 1 bt

Vendages - 1 bt

L’Esprit du Cognac - 1 bt

Neck tag presents

Imported by Spirit S.p.a., Genova

8 bt - cs (confezione singole)