Fine Wine and an Extraordinary Selection From the Winery Reserves of Masseto

fri 7 April 2017
Live auction 213

Selezione Samaroli

Selezione Samaroli

45th Anniversary 1968-2013 Single Malt Scotch Whisky

from Bunahabain Distillery

Selected cask n. 4

Refined inside the bottle since October 2013

Very limited edition, bt n. 81/112

Gradi 40% 70 cl

1 bt - csl

1983 Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky

from Caol Ila Distillery

Selected cask n. 1461

Refined in 2015

Very limited edition, bt n. 13/250

Gradi 43% 70 cl

1 bt - cs

2 bt