Modern and Contemporary Art

mon 11 June 2018
Live auction 258


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€ 4.000 / 8.000
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(Roma 1927)
Il tondo del drago
oil on canvas, diameter 50 cm
signed and dated
on the reverse side: signed, titled and dated
executed in 1992


1998 Carnevalotto Prize
Achille Perilli, one of the great protagonists of contemporary painting, was born in Rome on 28 January 1927. Still an adolescent he paints and paints by attending, together with Dorazio, the studio of the painter Aldo Bandinella. With his classmates, Dorazio and Guerrini, he organized the first exhibition of Roman student-painters held in high school Giulio Cesare. In 1945 he enrolled in the Faculty of Literature and History of Art at the University of Rome, where he graduated with Lionello Venturi with a thesis on Giorgio De Chirico. In 1946 he met Renato Guttuso, and he attended the study and came into contact with Accardi, Attardi, Consagra, Sanfilippo and Turcato, constituting with them, the following year, the group "Forma1", of which he directed the manifesto for an art "of pure form". The group "Forma1" expounds the term "aniconic art" from the Greek ikona, image, preceded by negative preposition (alpha privative), which expresses a non-figurative expressive form, not referential, not related to any known image, without any reference to forms real or natural. In strong controversy with the Neorealism that was spreading in those years, Achille Perilli joined the Mac (Movimento Arte Concreta 1948), with Soldati, Bruno Munari, Monnet, Dorfles, then collaborating in 1952 to the foundation of the magazines "Origine" and " Visual arts". After exhibiting his first works with the Group of "Social Art" at the section of the Socialist Party in Via Molise in Rome, he stayed in Paris, where he met Arp, Magnelli and Picabia, he studied the works of Cézanne, Picasso, Braque, Matisse and Kupka and participates in the International Congress of Art Critics. Achille Perilli is above all a painter, but he also deals with avant-garde theater and literature and opens the L'Age d'Or Library-gallery.