Modern and Contemporary Art

mon 11 June 2018
Live auction 258


Free Bid
€ 20.000 / 40.000
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(New York, USA 1960 - New York, USA 1988)


acrylic, oil and organic pigments on postcard, 17.78x12.7 cm
on the back signed and dated J.M.B 82
executed in 1982
The work is accompanied by an authentic released in 2000 by the Authentication Committee
of the Summer of Jean-Michel Basquiat
The work is registered with the Authentication Committee of the Estate of Jean-Michel
Basquiat, with the number n. 10877
Private collection, Usa
Private collection, Arezzo
In 1982, in the United States, his first personal exhibition took place in the
gallery owner Annina Noesei in New York, in the same month the works of Basquiat are included
in the collective Trasnavanguardia: Italy / America set up by Achille Bonito Oliva in the
Civic Gallery of Modena. The exhibition offers a new generation of artists born from
different cultures in which the name of Basquiat appears alongside the neo-expressionists
Sandro Chia, Francesco Clemente, Enzo Cucchi, David Deutsch, David Salle and Julian
Schnabel. In June he is invited to participate in Documenta 7, in Kassel, a younger artist
among the 176 present, his works not only appear in the category of new levers and therefore
with Francesco Clemente, Keith Haring, but they are flanked by the works of artists now
such as Joseph Beuys, Anselm Kiefer, Gerard Richter, Cy Twombly and Andy
His first "official" works, starting with those made between 1979 and 1980, favored the
writing or a quick, brute image, traced with the urgency of the scream, of the
testimony, of the private ostentation of every aesthetic pleasure. The concept
it works indifferently on paper and on canvas: in the first case it seems to acquire sometimes
a more immediate and perhaps logical impact, this being the most suitable support for
welcome a similar gestural contribution. The trace of a caricatured character emerges
on his head, or on the back of his works, a three-pointed crown is depicted.
On the crown was expressed, the friend Francesco Clemente: "the crown of Jean-Michel has
trepunte, because it is triple its royal lineage: poet, musician and great
boxing champion. "(Luciano Caprile, Jean-Michel Basquiat The word and the image,
exhibition catalog Museum of Modern Art City of Lugano, Jean-Michel Basquiat).