Works on paper: 15th to 19th century drawings, paintings and prints

tue 1 October 2019
Live auction 316

Attribuito a Domenico Corvi                                               

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€ 800 / 1.200
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Attribuito a Domenico Corvi                                               

(Viterbo, 1721  Roma, 1803)                                               

STUDIO DA RAFFAELLO                                                       

matita rossa, carta vergellata, applicato su cartoncino, mm 400x418       


Attributed to Domenico Corvi                                              

(Viterbo, 1721  Roma, 1803)                                               

STUDY AFTER RAFFAELLO                                                     

red  chalk, laid paper, laid paper on cardboard, mm 400x418              


I due profili derivano dall'affresco nelle Stanza Vaticane di Raffaello, raffigurante Il Miracolo di Bolsena.