European Works of Art and Sculptures from private collections, from [..]

Florence, tue 19 October 2021

European Works of Art and Sculptures from private collections, from the Middle Ages to the 19th century

Live auction, n.1049
Palazzo Ramirez-Montalvo

10.30 am
Lots: 1-151
3.00 pm
Lots: 152-376
Auction times
Friday           15 October 2021     10 am - 6 pm
Saturday      16 October 2021     10 am - 6 pm
Sunday         17 October 2021     10 am - 1 pm
Monday        18 October 2021    10 am - 6 pm

Please note that on the day of the auction it will be possible to access the saleroom only in possession of a Green Pass, while it will not be necessary to access the viewing.
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Price range from 0 € to 30000 €