A selected catalogue including works from 15th to 19th century includes a pair of tempera paintings by Giovanni di Consalvo, the so-called Master of the Chiostro degli Aranci by the Badia church. Possibly from an unidentified polyptych, they represent St Anthony the Abbot and St. John the Baptist. 

Though painted in Venice, the Lamentation over the dead Christ by Johann Karl Loth from the well-known Gerini collection will be a significant work for the history of Florentine collections. Among 18th century works, a fascinating trompe-l’oeil by Antonio Cioci should be mentioned, as well as an imaginary view of Lake Averno near Pozzuoli painted by Thomas Jones prior to his journey to Italy.

A group of Milanese Seicento portraits in the wake of Daniele Crespi will be also sold, as well as works from major Florentine Seicento painters.

Auction Highlights