mon 19 - wed 28 June 2023
Online auction 1225

Wind Of Change

€ 1.000 / 2.000
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Wind Of Change

by Danilo Falà


How to welcome the wind of change Faced with the possibility of change, one does not always react in the same way. There are those who run away, frightened by the uncertainty that change could do within themselves. On the other hand, there are those who choose to embrace it as a vital movement necessary to their growth and their lives. The history of humanity is a constant struggle between these two opposing movements. On the one side, the tendency to preserve the status quo, to close and protect what we have acquired. The other side sees the propensity to welcome the wind of change, to be overwhelmed by it through pure observation; the excitement of abandoning certainties and build adjusted, flexible balances. In this eternal struggle, however, it is almost always evolution that triumphs, which - not surprisingly - popular wisdom has represented as a "Wind" . A concept, that the ancient Chinese proverb returns in the evocative image of a windmill....

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