Rome - Locations

Pandolfini Casa d'Aste is also officially present in Rome.

After the historical seat in Florence and the one opened a few years ago in Milan, on 15 November Pandolfini inaugurates its Roman seat in via Margutta 54, supervised by Benedetta Borghese responsible for external relations of Pandolfini Casa d'Aste for Rome. The opening of this office allows Pandolfini to give continuity and solidity to the consulting and liaison work with the entire structure of experts that has long been managed in Rome by Ludovica Trezzani, head of the Department of Old Master Paintings and Sculptures.

At the same time, Italy's oldest auction house is taking another step in the expansion of its structure and its presence in the country, which is becoming more and more rooted and concrete, not only betting on its future but also and above all on the potential of the Italian market and the Roman market in particular, a market and world that in recent years have proved to be more mature and international.

Founded in 1924, Pandolfini Casa d'Aste is a leader in the sector in our country and for some years now has also played an important role at an international level, as demonstrated by its most important events, Masterpieces from Italian Collections and Important Renaissance Majolica, the two auctions held annually in the autumn that attract bids, phone calls and are followed live by the most important international collectors and dealers.

At its headquarters in Via Margutta, a street that has in art its history and tradition, Pandolfini will organise appraisal days with experts and department heads without excluding the possibility of meetings by appointment, with the aim of carefully and attentively following clients and potential buyers/buyers, as well as a series of exhibitions and previews of auctions scheduled throughout the year.

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